Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The storm before the calm

Hello People,

I hope you guys are having a great time.

Its near freezing temperatures here and I won't get out of the house unless absolutely necessary. That gives me some time to write something I have been contemplating about for a while.
This is the story of the storm that swept me off my feet, the "SUNSHINE" that made me want to wake up, and the source that gave me the strength to keep doing what I had to do to get where I am in life.

Life is divided into chapters. Some are good, some bad, some painful, some extremely weird, some so amazing that you can never forget them. Well, this chapter of my life, as short as it was, was all of that, and more. I feel the best way to divide my chapters with the people in them. Almost every story in my life has 1 main character that it revolves around. This one revolved around Sunshine.

Every one that knows me knows how I complain about my life in Bangalore, but there were a few months of my life I wanted to be nowhere but exactly where I was, one of those times that I honestly felt like the king of the world. I don't even know where to begin, I mean, it would probably take me the night to just list the amazing things about her. The early mornings, the rain, the cold, the coffee's, the late night skype chats, and even the malls, I enjoyed all of that. I loved my days more, didn't wait for the weekend as much, and was on the phone, A LOT...
I always felt its the little things in life that matter the most, and it was incredible how right I was about this, and what was mind-blowing was how she took care of it as much as she did.

I wish people weren't right about how your past affects your choices and therefore your future, because that's exactly what I let happen. I let my history spoil the mystery. There is something I do wish though, someone say to me while I was being stupid. "Do you want to keep playing? Or do you want to win?". Life isn't about who played the best, its about whether you keep track of the score, realize when you've won and leave with your prize.
All I want to say to her is thank you, for being just exactly who you are, and sorry that I didn't just take my prize and "live happily ever after"(Hindi movie style).

The storm came, made me smarter, stronger, and now all there is, is the calm.

Good luck Sunshine. :)

Until next time,

P.S : I have not met a better cook in my life, since I left home, and now that I have to cook every day, I long for the food she used to cook, even the ajeeb tamatari paneer :P(Yes I remember!)