Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Its not about having a better year. Its about being better next year!

Ola Mi Amigos,

Its New Years Eve and its party time, isn't it?
The adrenaline pumping, booze flowing, rock and rolling New Year's eve celebrations.

Its funny how events like these bring the world together into a frenzy of celebrations, enjoyment and happiness. People who had a great year celebrate because of it, and others because they need a fresh start, and somehow believe that changing the calendar they use at home will somehow give them that. Don't get me wrong, I am in no way against celebrating at every possible opportunity available, but this entire concept of happiness, wishing each other, telling them you hope they have a happy new year, why do we choose a particular day to do so got me thinking. When the concept of a year was invented, there were no concerts, no places called pubs or bars serving alcohol at ridiculously exorbitant prices, why then do we need to celebrate the event. I then figured, its more psychological than anything else.

On the brink of this new year, I find myself looking for a reason to find celebrating today a compulsion, like it is for almost everyone around me. Life is all about moments, and living each moment like it could be your last. I personally don't find an uncontrollable urge to party tonight, but I can see why this is a big day every year.

It is at this time, whoever you are, whenever you may be partying, whomever you may be with, will take some moments to evaluate your life. The choices you have made, the path they led you through, and how close you are to a destination you had in mind for yourself. Out of all the unsaid customs of new year's eve, this one is my favorite.

Although, the line between this year, and the previous is pretty hazy, I know I have come a long way from where I was, and have taken a huge step towards my dreams.

At this point, I find myself humbled, amazed, thankful, grateful, happy, and satisfied.
I'd like to thank all you awesome people who have been a part of my life and made it as great as it is.

At this moment, when your past, present and future stands right in front of you, you will feel alive, you will feel every moment passing, and every fiber of your being will feel alive. Here's hoping that feeling stays with you guys forever, and your dreams, your desires, will all be that much closer to you.


See you guys next year,
Tomorrow is the first blank page of a new 365 page book. Write a good one!"

P.S: On second thoughts, I do find 2 reasons to party.
1.)America is gonna look beautiful today! ;)
2.)Sherlock Season 3. I've been waiting for the calender to change so I no longer have to wait for Sherlock Season 3. So let the party begiiiinnnnnnn...

And if you like what you read, also check my previous post
The Storm before the Calm