Monday, May 5, 2014

A little bit of today, a whole lot of yesterday!

Hello people,

It's been a long time, and I thought, well, I don't have a very eventful life so I thought I should wait for something big to happen, something that creates the atmosphere which forces me to write, a story that beckons to be written. That, I didn't get, but something big did happen, the cause of which still sounds funny to me.

Life has a very complex way of revealing itself through a very complicated web of everyday randomness, that isn't really random, its just a bunch of small, seemingly unrelated events which when put together create the ripple effect to give everything meaning (sometimes just rummaging harmful memories).

People who know about the chaos theory definitely understand this as a scientific phenomenon - the butterfly effect (and, of course, all those people who have seen the movie! :P). A small apparent random event causes something very large to occur in a place far far away from the place of the initial incident. A butterfly flaps its wings in Brazil and causes a tornado in Texas a few weeks later. A person forgets to bounds check a string buffer in 2012 and causes probably the largest hack in the history of the internet 2 full years later (I mean heartbleed, sorry that was the geek side of me!).

When I was younger I used to find it very amusing how really small events could be so important to anyone or anybody. I believe in the power of this concept, now more than ever. Why? Because I see clearly now, how the smallest things in life can create a ripple effect and make you think about your past. The mistakes you made, the ones you knew you made, the ones you thought you could live with, especially that last category. Essentially, life comes down to the people you live it with, and live it for. I thought I made the right decision, live alone by choice rather than be forced to do so. I thought I could live with the consequences, and without the person that mattered so much to me.

They say, it all works out in the end, they say the view from the destination is amazing, but as I sit here, by myself, thinking about the route, I see it clear as day, there is no end, no destination. Man is trapped in an endless journey of desire to make his live better every single day. So no, the journey is more important, and however easy or difficult he journey is, it goes unnoticed, if you have the right people (read person!) around.

I can't tell her this, but I miss her. I really do.

I drift away very often, but coming back to the butterfly effect, the small event: a movie, a simple movie and a trip to an amusement park that created a wave of ripples. The result: proof that there is no random. Life is an endless series of events whose meaning will become clearer and clearer with each step you take. It's not random, there is a reason to everything, a key to every lock.

There may not be a real hurricane, but the one in my brain is just as strong.
Maybe the solution lies one step ahead, maybe a few hundred or even thousand steps ahead.
Got to keep walking!

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