Wednesday, June 4, 2014

All bits are created equal

Hello Internet,

So, how is everyone doing today? Probably reading this post with a lot of tabs open full of fun and cool stuff to check out! So, this is possible because of the awesome rules that govern how information flows through the internet, one of which is Net Neutrality.
Okay, so what is Net neutrality? This, is how Google defines it.
So, basically, it means, all data coming to you depends on what you request and not a prejudicial bias by your ISP. So, a hacker forum, netflix streaming, a wikipedia serach, a reddit AMA or even cat videos are equally important, since that's what you would like to view and/or share.

Let’s consider the information coming through internet, going through your router, into your system and displayed by your browser be a stream, not much unlike water (or in some cases; wine) through a pipe.

Some of these pipes span oceans, and continents through which a vast amount of data flows. These are extremely fast and you don’t have access to those, but even if you did, you wouldn't be able to handle it.

Our share (which we pay our service provider for) is a small section of that pipe that contains information we have requested for, and information we would like to share with the world. As I said before, this is data we want to view, or read, or download or share. We decide what comes through our section of the pipe.

So, some companies (read ISPs) argue that this hurts their capacity to provide fast lanes of internet to connect you the data superhighway to get certain information to you sooner. What this actually means, is that it gives them the right to put speed bumps on your existing road, and then provide the fast lane for a cost, which you were previously paying for anyway.
This, in effect gives the ISPs the right to block, or slow down their competitors information, certain websites they prefer, or get paid from, or even content they do not agree with. Which means, continuing with our pipe metaphor, it allows the ISPs to put a choker on the pipe of awesomeness that is free unrestricted internet.

So these ISPs want to ditch this rule and insert themselves in between you and the internet, turning into most annoying middle men in the history of humanity.

Okay, so

I would say yes, because, a.) A free and open internet is the single greatest technology of our time.
b.)You would be at the mercy of your ISPs to get content of your choice, be it ethnically diverse, full o innovative content, and of course, not geared towards a commercial market.

Think of it this way, when the water company delivers water to your house, they don’t get to decide what to do with it, neither do they get to give you a tap through which water flows slowly, and then turn around and sell you a “special” tap through which water never stops, depending on what you use for. As absurd as this sounds, it is a pretty good analogy for this concept.

So, what can we do? As internet citizens it is our responsibility to maintain this steady flow of amazing information without any middle men picking and choosing what we do, or do not see.
Please Tell the FCC to reclassify broadband internet as a title II common carrier telecommunications service by clicking this link.

Here's hoping I get to decide whether to finish my homework on my college website or watch cat videos on YouTube without having to worry about some people who may or may not like cat videos.

And if all of this doesn't mean a lot, take a look below.


 P.S: Now that I think about it, I probably should've led with this!
Also, now that you know what it is, check out what John Oliver has to say about it here.

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