Thursday, August 28, 2014

A Scandal in Sherlock

Hello People,

I guess this time I'l skip the obligatory "Why my posts have no link with one another" explanation and just say that's who I am. I think of a lot of things, all together, some thoughts stick, some don't.

So, I have a theory I'd like to bounce off you guys. Almost everyone I know is a huge Sherlock fan. I am too, but as much as I like Sherlock, I like Moriarty. He's probably the second most enigmatic villain after the Joker! The most awesome scene for me is the end of season 1 and beginning of Season 2. The absolutely EPIC Sherlock Moriarty standoff at the pool.

My theory is about the part after it. So, in a Scandal In Belgravia; Moriarty gets a call (presumably from Irene Adler that she has a code that she needs decrypted? Some plans she needs to find out about?? Something that will need Sherlock to be kept alive). So, Moriarty decides against killing him.

We fast forward a few weeks, and Sherlock has become a bit of a celebrity.

Now, here's the extremely funny, vague and trademark bad guy I'm super intelligent and I'm going to make an extremely complicated plot, with a million loop hopes, which will work out untill the very last moment and then dramatically fall apart because we live in a perfect world where the good guy always wins.

The following was Adler's (with help from Moriarty, she says so herself in the end) plan:
Irene Adler clicks incriminating photos with someone in the British royalty, probably someone related to the queen??? In the hopes that they will ask Sherlock to help, and she will know about it, because Moriarty will tell him. Then, she will make an impression be being naked(adding a little Sexy in the mix! In that case they should've chosen someone more beautiful), some american goons(from the CIA!!!!!!) will walk in forcing Sherlock to have to open the safe (that's how he got the clue from Adler), she very conveniently will have booby trapped the safe, which Sherlock will figure from the sound, but trained CIA spies will not, they kill ./ incapaciate them all, he will take the phone, she will drug him, take the phone back only to return it to him again. Sherlock will overhear a conversation that Mycroft is obviously smart enough not to let Sherlock overhear (he pulled of that stupid call all the pay phones to talk to Watson trick, the dumbness of which can be explained simply by Watson saying, "You could've just phoned me, on my phone" ). Then after 6 months of letting Sherlock have the phone (to apparently prove it can't be broken into? I know enough about digital forensics to know they can easily get all the data they need) she comes back and asks Sherlock to figure out a code she obviously knew nothing about, but the code conveniently turns out to be the flight of the NEXT day, and because he overheard his brother, he puts together the Coventry conundrum, hence letting Moriarty know about it which somehow makes them have a meeting, bash on Sherlock a little bit. This entire thing has no link to the value of the phone which Mycroft knew anyway was very valuable.

Then the obvious "SHERlocked" nonsence proving that love is stupid, but somehow stupid makes her more desirable for some reason to Sherlock he goes all the way to pakistan and saves her, which by the way we have to belive he was able to pull of becaussseeee, SHERLOCK!!!

Once convenient plot twist after another. A Scandal In Sherlock!

P.S: Hence proved: What you see mainly depends on what you look for!

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